Have you ever wished you could be healthier with more ease and less confusion?
Now you can, with MedChefs!
Sign up now for a 14-day free trial.
The jury is in and the science is clear
Your doctor knows the first-line defense in prevention and treatment of common diseases is for you to adopt a healthy dietary pattern — a diet high in fruits, vegetables, fiber, whole grains, legumes, and low in sodium and sweetened beverages.
“MedChefs is a simple, evidenced-based health program, designed by doctors and health professionals to help you slow, halt or reverse the progression of chronic lifestyle diseases. Our experts in the medical profession, nutrition, culinary arts, health coaching, and software have created a service specifically for you — so you can live into health.”
— Dr. Greg Quinn, Cardiologist, Founder of MedChefs
MedChefs provides the right mindset, the right plate, and the right support. Sign up now for a 14-day free trial. Subscriptions are $14.99 a month and you can cancel at any time.
MedChefs is designed for you.
Develop the right mindset and right plate skills: listen to the podcasts and benefit from the many resources
Follow the meal plan: favorites and the NutriTracker™ make customizing easy
Build your MedChefs points: eat more of the core foods, achieve a daily score of 4-5 and you’re on the way to health
Take control: cooking and shopping are made easy, while healthy dining out is no longer a mystery
Journal daily: it will only take a few moments